How can social media make or break an interview?

Category: Interview tips 

Social networking and social media is a fundamental part of our daily lives. Over 3.01 Billion users are active internet users throughout 2015 & 2.078 billion were active on social media accounts. These statistics show that there is a lot of personal data which can be stored and used to find out a bit more about you. Companies use this to their advantage when recruiting as they are able to see what kind of person they are looking to employ, but social media can also be used as part of their recruitment drive.

60% 0f employers cite Facebook’s networking abilities as important. Job seekers use social media as a pool of connections, in two fundamental ways. Such as to landing the interview, chances the will consult with their own network which can dramatically increase the reach of request for job opportunities. Secondly it is used once you have an interview as then you’re able to look through your network to see if your connected with the organization. This allows them to treat each and every Facebook use/connection as a possible client, colleague or manager.

Organizations use social media to find out a bit more information about the people they may be hiring. Your social media activity shows your personality, which gives them an insight into how they would work with you. When using social media to gain information companies will be looking for personal interests, so when you know you are having a possible interview make sure that your social media profile is able to showcases your personal experiences.

However, there is always a risk to your professional reputation with social media. As it is very easy to get associate with your whole network. You could seem like you have the perfect social media profile, however the connections you may have can also show a different side you may not wanted to portray. Employers may look into other connections you have and could be able to see possible photos or information you didn’t want them knowing. Which could raise eyebrows and lead to them questioning your professionalism.

You have to remember whatever you post on the internet it WILL remember. The internet never forgets! Facebook one of the pioneers of the social media platforms has been around for a long time. Allowing people to converse information which could potentially affect them in the future, it will always store information even if you’ve forgotten it, the internet remembers everything and someone will be able to find old information. Be aware that recruiters and potential employers will look at your profile. With the new system in place its easier than ever to find out what you were doing a couple a years ago.

Social media is used within recruiting as well and is becoming more and more important. For employers its becoming essential to use as not only does it allow them to create a business platform which clients and consumers will be able to contact them directly, it also enables them to do background searches on their employees. Anyone looking for work should understand the dangers of social media, such as one offensive post could possibly scar your reputation. But it is also easy to build a positive brand for yourself, which will make you an appealing candidate. Employers are more likely to interview a candidate that has an interesting profile than someone who has maximum privacy filters turned on.

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